Monday, April 5, 2010

Recycled waistpouch - old made new

So I have not been blogging for a while now - more than a week I think. In the bloggers world, that's a no no, right? Well, my excuse is that I have been busy with other pursuits, apart from jewellery making.  One of which was to make myself a new waist pouch.  I have been using this ugly black waist pouch (a free gift) for nearly 10 years now whenever I exercised.  It has the ManU logo smack right in the middle of a black nylon fabric and to me, that was quite uncool, although I am sure ManU fans (like my dear husband) may beg to differ.  For the longest time, I had swung from wanting to buy myself a new hip cool pouch to making it myself and I procrastinated year after year while still using the ugly black thing. Just last week, I finally decided to make myself one out of a nice Ikea fabric that I have had for a while now and searched the web for a tutorial on how to sew a pouch.  The funny thing is, I can find many tutes on how to sew make-up bags, zippered wristlets, totes and such but I only found 2 on how to sew a waistpouch, both of which I didn't quite like. I wanted one that was easy to sew as I am a novice at sewing.   To make things even harder, a waist pouch goes by different names in different countries - fanny packs, bum bags, hip slingers......   Seems like a waist pouch is quite an uncool thing to carry, ManU logo not withstanding.  But I didn't care. I was quite confident that I could sew myself both a pretty and functional pouch to carry my mobile phone and keys so that I can keep my hands free when I am at the gym or taking brisk walks.  So since I couldn't find a tutorial I like on making waist pouch, I decided to adapt one online tutorial for make-up pouch found on Up In the Rainbow Creek blog.

This tutorial was great as it has photos, pretty clear instructions and looked simple enough for a novice like me. What initially looked like a one hour job took me nearly 2 1/2 hours in the end but I was quite pleased with the results. I reused the nylon strap and plastic parts from my ugly pouch (save the earth!)  And voila! Here is my new waist pouch lined in hot pink!

I also made the straps adjustable and even added a pocket at the back to hold my iPhone but I forgot to photograph it. So what do you think?


Beeshebags said...

Saw your comment over on UTRC's blog and thought I'd come check out your waist pouch...and it looks great. Well done. Hugs Naomi

AVVV said...

Thanks, Naomi! I just checked out your blog too and discovered what a great sewer you are! I have lots to learn from experts like you. Cheers, Ai-Vee

Unknown said...

Hi Ai Vee! It's a beauty! I like it that it's recycled and the fabric pattern is just gorgeous. And also cos I'm enjoying the one you sewed for me! Hee hee.

AVVV said...

Thanks! And I'm glad you like what I made for you. Your books gave some great inspiration and motivation. Wish I have more time to sew...

Unknown said...

Ai-Vee you did a great job adapting the pattern, I would hardly guess that you are new sewer. You must have a natural talent. The new waistpouch is quite an improvement over the old one, I love that fabric! Happy sewing! doni